"Réaliser un portrait In Situ, c’est rechercher l’équilibre entre le modèle, son attitude et l’environnement dans lequel on le photographie. Une approche si parfaitement maîtrisée par Denis Dailleux qu'il est aujourd'hui impossible de dissocier ses portraits des pays qui les ont inspirés, comme en témoignent ses photographies réalisées au Caire ou plus récemment au Ghana.
A Sanary-sur-mer, Denis Dailleux aidera les participants à dompter les lumières solaires de la Méditerranée et les guidera dans les choix fondamentaux de cadres et d’arrière-plans permettant d’optimiser la réussite d’un portrait. Il abordera aussi les questions relatives à l’intervention – ou non – du photographe dans la pose, entre autres facteurs de la relation qui se tisse entre le photographe et son modèle. Une alchimie photographique que Denis Dailleux aime observer et comprendre pour lui-même et pour les autres."
From 2014-01-09 to 2014-03-01
In Egypt, under Hosni Mubarak, colossal portraits posted on walls were not a practice of the times; surely the pyramids were enough to affirm the omnipotence of the Rais…
But what is it, nowadays, in Cairo with the portraits of the young martyrs who died as a consequence of the Arab Spring ? Their faces seem to have appeared only briefly on the walls of the city, to – very quickly – be torn away.
It is a particularity of the street in Cairo, to take over at an incredible speed, anything and everything. In a manner similar to the web, so important for the Arab Revolution, where images constantly travel, get posted, commented on, to finally disappear… Like on the walls, the mobilisation is instant, total and global. But short-lived.
Hence this body of work with which I wanted to pay an homage to the victims, mostly extremely young men, who took the risk to confront, with bare hands, the armed forces. The portraits of the martyrs from Tahir square are no longer brandished by their friends, and yet it is very important to keep alive the memory of those young men, and as long as possible.